The Soul Devourer

The Soul Devourer
Rank: 1
Area of effect attack
The Demonologist attempts to drain their enemies' life force.
For 4.5 seconds, all enemies within 12 yards will take NN damage every XX seconds and walk helplessly towards the Demonologist for YY seconds.
If the enemy is within 2.5 yards of the Demonologist, they will devour their life force, dealing MM damage and knocking them down for seconds. The Demonologist's maximum health will be increased by % for seconds (stacks up to 4 times), and they will be healed for % of their base maximum health. Healing is boosted by the Demonologist's Survivability.
Devoured enemies cannot be pulled by the ability and cannot be devoured more than once. Devoured characters will also be knocked yards away from the Demonologist, and their maximum health will be reduced by % for seconds.
Consumes 1 Tears of the Dragon. The damage and cooldown of the ability depend on their quality.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.
The Soul Devourer
Rank: 2
Area of effect attack
The Demonologist attempts to drain their enemies' life force.
For 6 seconds, all enemies within 12 yards will take NN damage every XX seconds and walk helplessly towards the Demonologist for YY seconds.
If the enemy is within 2.5 yards of the Demonologist, they will devour their life force, dealing MM damage and knocking them down for seconds. The Demonologist's maximum health will be increased by % for seconds (stacks up to 4 times), and they will be healed for % of their base maximum health. Healing is boosted by the Demonologist's Survivability.
Devoured enemies cannot be pulled by the ability and cannot be devoured more than once. Devoured characters will also be knocked yards away from the Demonologist, and their maximum health will be reduced by % for seconds.
Consumes 1 Tears of the Dragon. The damage and cooldown of the ability depend on their quality.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.
The Soul Devourer
Rank: 3
Area of effect attack
The Demonologist attempts to drain their enemies' life force.
For 7.5 seconds, all enemies within 12 yards will take NN damage every XX seconds and walk helplessly towards the Demonologist for YY seconds.
If the enemy is within 2.5 yards of the Demonologist, they will devour their life force, dealing MM damage and knocking them down for seconds. The Demonologist's maximum health will be increased by % for seconds (stacks up to 4 times), and they will be healed for % of their base maximum health. Healing is boosted by the Demonologist's Survivability.
Devoured enemies cannot be pulled by the ability and cannot be devoured more than once. Devoured characters will also be knocked yards away from the Demonologist, and their maximum health will be reduced by % for seconds.
Consumes 1 Tears of the Dragon. The damage and cooldown of the ability depend on their quality.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.


The Soul Devourer
You attempt to drink your enemy's life force.

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