
The Demonologist keeps the rift between dimensions open for 3 seconds, allowing allied demons to enter the battlefield.
Every second they sustain the spell, they summon two demons.
For 2 seconds, they attack the enemy who has taken damage from Seal of Chaos. If there is no such target, they attack the nearest enemy.
Each demon deals XX damage every 1.5 seconds.
Rank 2: the demons gain the Rage ability that allows them to quickly cover the distance to the target.
Rank 3: each attack of the demons applies an effect that slows the target down by 50% for 2 seconds.
Each rank of the ability increases damage of the summoned demons by 10%.
Consumes 5 Tears of the Dragon. The cooldown of the ability depends on the quality of the tears.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.

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