The Long Awaited Meeting



Deliver the Supreme Chief's letter to Strina the Fierce.


There were times when I doubted that we'd ever find the descendant. We had the City Council impeding our efforts - they were trying to set the rest of the Orcs against us! Sadly, they succeeded - the Orcs turned away from us shamans, regarding us as gossips and troublemakers. But through it all we never gave up, and here it is - our reward! Your task is to find Strina the Fierce in the Broderen Mine. She may have become a prisoner of the undead. Try to find her and give her this letter... It's from Wrokag himself!

Come back to me if you lose your special weapon required to get inside the cave.


When the undead destroy the ore in the mine, Coldberg will vanish into the Astral and I shall sail away on the ship of the dead. I have seen the Truth - Sarnaut must be destroyed! And I am more than capable of making that happen. My power is greater than anything you can imagine, and my demon allies will help me! You think that they are insane, but trust me - you will not find creatures of sounder judgment in all of Sarnaut. Astral demons and the undead stand beside me, but I won't need their help to destroy you! I'd rather not leave any witnesses.


Experience: +11040

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