Battle for the Mine



Kill the undead that are destroying the meteorite ore in the Broderen Mine.


They all talk big, but when push comes to shove, they buy themselves off with artifacts, potions, and various other devices! What am I supposed to do with all this? I'm a Trader, not a soldier!
But then again, I have you! Take these things and go to the mine - we need to stop the undead before it's too late. Get underground and kill the undead that are destroying my precious meteorite mine!


What happened to the mine? Can we celebrate or should I be packing my bags? If the undead got the best of us, then there's nothing left but to run!


I don't know how to thank you! This ore is not just responsible my own welfare, it's also the only thing preventing our allod from being swallowed up by the Astral. Alas, even I can't afford to keep a Great Mage by my side! If the undead were to destroy the ore, the allod would cease to exist and all its inhabitants would become a demon's dinner!


Experience: +7590

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