Forbidden Mountain



Question Sookie Dry-Wing, Shorr Fly-by-Shore and Zuu Addle-Pate about the mountain in the north. Report to Yasskul Tikhti at the Imperial Outpost.


Finally. I was afraid that someone got you on the way here. We must be very careful now - Tep has already sensed serious danger, and victory is still only a distant hope.
We've combed through the entire Pearl Ring and the Windy Hills. The center of the illusion isn't there, that's for certain. That leaves only one place: the mountain in the north. We haven't found a way to get there, though. The islands are separated by a deep abyss. Even squawkers steer clear of the place, and the aviaks... They are too scared to talk. No matter how much we questioned them, they wouldn't divulge any useful information.
Now, I understand that you've earned their respect. Try questioning them. If they don't open their beaks to you, then we'll have to consider telepathic intervention.


Well, are the aviaks talking or do we need to start using more persuasive methods?


Taboo... Well, at least they gave us one clue.


Experience: +1260

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