Eye for an Eye



Kill Ghash, the drake chieftain, and bring his head to Alexey Borodin.


Remember Ghash, the drake chieftain? The one you were sparring with?

It's time to prove you're equally proficient in real combat. Remember where to find him? Well, I'll remind you. Ghash dwells in the mountains to the east of here.

Destroy him! With their chieftain dead, the drakes will start to quarrel, and we'll add some fuel to the fire. I have an idea... Chop his head off and bring it to me. I'll find a suitable application for that brainless skull.


We should have exterminated all those beasts while we were at the Dragon Ring...


Yes! His dying roar made even cliffs shake. And the surviving drakes were darting around the sky like headless chickens.

It was an unforgettable sight!


Experience: +5700

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