Meeting the Saboteur




Go to Draconid Island and locate saboteur Roman Lazeykin.


I hope you've got no pressing matters to attend to? I've been waiting too long for someone I can entrust this important mission to. Listen carefully, as there's very little time left.

The treacherous draconids have gone ahead to a small allod we call the Frontier. Some of the draconids remained on the Island, however, posing a serious threat to the Citadel.

I've sent a couple of scouts there, those who are obedient to the Master's Will. Plenty of time has passed and I still haven't heard from them.

Please go to Draconid Island and find Roman Lazeykin. Find out what he was able to learn, and then proceed as you see fit. We must eliminate the threat posed by the draconids as soon as possible!

When you're ready, go talk to the Master's Voice. It will help you teleport to the Island.


Freeze! Move and I'll shoot you dead! Who are you? Answer quickly!


Experience: +855

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