The Fate of Skulnar



Find out what happened to Skulnar and report to Wrokag the Northwind in Nezebgrad.


And now to talk about Skulnar. It seems that you're well aware of the... how should I say this... difference of opinion between Crazystorm and Wrokag.

Wrokag still hopes to return to the good ol' days where shamans were supreme. However, the world has changed. The future of the Orcish people is tied to that of the Empire. Nothing can change that, not even an Orcish mutant with exceptional an aptitude for magic.

Even if Skulnar is capable of a few tricks, who cares? Only the Arisen scientists, I would say. They were all over him, calling him a great paradox and a marvel. But alas, I fear that the marvel may have met his end.

All of this chaos occurred on the same day Skulnar's final experiment was to be conducted. He was supposed to take control of an Astral demon. My guess is that he failed, considering the state of things right now.

If Skulnar happens to have survived, I guess the shamans could prevail. If not... then they need to accept their fate. Maybe if you head into the lab you'll be able to find Skulnar's corpse. That would finally put an end to this story about the descendants of the Legendary Orc. Well whatever happens, you should report to Wrokag about what you learned.


Spill it, I want to know everything!


No, this isn't over! Voxar and Skulnar may be dead, but Strina is still alive! It's too early for Crazystorm and the others to be celebrating. I'm not backing down!

So, what are you waiting for? A reward? For what?! For Skulnar's death?! All you 'heroes' are the same! For all the hopes and trust people put in you, you demand payment even when the mission fails miserably!

Well then, go ahead and choose one of these things. But know that you won't be hearing any words of gratitude from me!


Experience: +480

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