Freedom of Movement



Use the portal field regulators in all of the divisions of the ZIT Headquarters and report back to Sarang Senusret.


I'm so glad that we've abandoned all hope for fixing the teleporter's behavior. Trying to repair it is pointless - it needs to be massively redesigned. Fortunately, I've been working on the project for quite some time now.
Portal field regulators need to be installed at multiple locations. They will correct the teleporter's behavior so that it will perform as described. Still we'll have to answer the question why they failed... Was it a design fault or sabotage? So you better look around while searching for places where to install the regulators. If you spot something strange, tell me immediately, it may be valuable for the science!


You'll be teleporting to all the wrong places until you install those regulators.


And... the portal works now! You must admit, that was some pretty good engineering. But for the sabotage!..
I wonder who's the culprit. It cannot be the League, and it's unlikely someone from the Empire would do this...


Experience: +1000
  • +500 reputation points with Arisen

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