Lay Into It!



Carry three Heavy Sarcophagi into the empty crypts and return to Yaver Satiah.


Oh my, I wish I could be lying in a sarcophagus myself right now. When will this end? Once again they have piled everything on my shoulders. I feel like my arms are going to rip right off when I lift these things.

I'm talking about these sarcophagi that hold our brothers and sisters. They need to be delivered all over the place. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. I just can't do this anymore! I just can't!

Listen... Could you maybe drag at least three of them over there? That'll give me time to catch my breath. Please? If Yasskul Pentawer sees that no one is carrying the sarcophagi, he's going to get really angry.

I'm not sure what he'd do exactly, but judging by the look in his eyes, it's something more horrible than life in a mortal body... So, will you move three sarcophagi for me?


These things are so unbelievably heavy!


Thanks for your help! As I stood here, I started thinking - why don't we just take the bodies out of the sarcophagi and put them in something lighter? Who came up with such nonsense?


Experience: +250
  • +1000 reputation points with Arisen

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