Love Conquers All... Harpies



Touch 10 Twilight Harpies with the Enchanted Love Ring and return to Yaver Rahotep.


Eh... What department am I from? Hm, how should I say this... Oh, fine... I'll tell you. I'm from the Monster Prognostics department. What? You're not laughing? Usually when I tell someone that, they start laughing and calling me crazy.

I'm busy with a new nonsense, a new direction in science - predicting the behavior of semi-sentient beings. If, for example, a twilight harpy stands on its left leg in the morning, then the Empire will prevail in the war with the League... But if it stands on the right leg, the Empire will still win, but it will take longer.

This is all pure theory for now. Anyway, how can you observe the harpies properly if those horrible creatures won't let anyone go near them? That's why we've decided to tame them. Or rather, Nomarkh Imhotep has decided to tame them, and Yaver Rahotep has to go along with it.

I thought long and hard to come up with something to accomplish this. Yesterday it finally dawned on me - love magic. And why not? If it's possible to force sentient beings to fall in love with someone, then why not harpies? The thing is, I need a good soldier to apply the charm. Needless to say, these monsters are not exactly burning with amorous intentions. So when it throws itself at you, show it this ring, it will pacify it instantly... Maybe. Maybe not.


How did everything go? The harpies didn't try to seduce you, did they? To tell you the truth, I've never tried this method before...


Doesn't your conscience trouble you at all? How many of those harpies are now in love with you? Haha, I'm only joking. Thank you for your help!


Experience: +1000
  • +500 reputation points with Arisen

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