Try to Figure It Out, If You Can!




With the help of the amulet of sulphuric miasmas, force the shadow to enter your body. Leave the camp's boundaries and then, using the amulet again, destroy the cloud. Report back to Dr. Grigori Domov in the cultists' camp once you are finished.


This is no ordinary plague, this is a vile entity with its own evil will. It cannot be cured, but it can be killed! Along with the patient. Hah!

Don't be frightened. That was before. Before I figured it all out. I've just got a couple more creases in my brain than you, and look how much better mine works, eh? Brains of gold!

So now we'll modify the spell a bit... We'll add a few chemicals... A pinch of psi-salt... A dash of "pollen"... That's not for the spell, it's for me! We'll give it a try... Oh, the last batch was better tasting. But this one does the trick. My leg already feels a lot better! And now - to work.

Here's the amulet, which is full of the healing energy that chased the darkness out of your body. Although, if you ask me, it was the hydrogen sulfide... But no matter!

We'll smoke that vile spirit out. We just have to pick the luckiest warrior. Who have we got here? Just you and I. One, two, three! You're it! My mind is too vital to the world of science... We can't possibly risk it.

Well then, your job is to catch this black cloud and confine it in your body. You'll need the special amulet I created for that. I can't predict who the cloud is going to infect next. So you'll have to run, chasing it from one host to the next until it ends up inside you. As soon as you start to feel weak, this means that phase one is complete.

Then go a little further from the camp and try to drive the vile stuff out of your body. It won't have anywhere to go - it's not dumb enough to attack a squirrel or something. The darkness will leave you and then - get on it! It's all very clear to me, how it should go. What are you standing there blinking at me for? Get moving!


Aha, glad to see you again! To be honest, I hadn't much hope of seeing you among the living! The plan went something like this: "...If he doesn't survive the plague, then just try to dispose of the body somewhere far away from the camp." Yes. But all the same, I'm glad to see you!


There's been just one bit of good news in the whole time that you and I have been here. The plague shadow has been destroyed! Excellent!

Grigori Domov - you're a genius! Wait a minute, don't go too far! We're safe now, but duty demands that we find out what's going on! And we need assistants! Ideally, ones with brains of their own.


Experience: +8700

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