Evolution or Creation?



Activate the ruin and pass the test, then talk to the Spirit of Doubt by the next ruins.


Close your eyes and cleanse your mind. Forget the League and the Empire, Tensess and Nezeb, Ath-Zak and Tka-Rik...

There is only you and the world, which must be accepted in order to change it forever. Get ready...

Place your hand on this ruin and pass your test.


Did you pass the test?

Remember that the Path is not only testing your strength or courage, but an ability to see the Truth and make the right conclusions.


Do you see? Do you see now? Astral monsters did not flinch outside their native Astral plane. They are no longer afraid of iron. They are becoming more clever... Learning to hide, wait, and gather strength.

What if during the Great Astral Campaign we were attacked by demons of this new breed? Would we have survived? What if such an onslaught happened tomorrow?

Why have they changed? Evolution? Or some alien plan out of our understanding? Who is teaching these demons ways of bring destruction to Sarnaut?

Think about all this on your way to the next ruin. There you will pass another test.


Experience: +2550

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