The Pyre



Decapitate 10 Dead Orcs and bring their heads to Lek on Fierce Isle.


Yeah, I know a thing or two about Skulnar. But he's the last thing on my mind right now. You see, we've had visitors recently - Orcs from the neighboring isles. The bastards pillaged our village and killed Horz.

After we tend to his funeral, we still have to see to avenging his death and electing a new chieftain. Then there are preparations for the Goblinball tournament. Ugh, my head is spinning!

Let's start with the funeral. Horz lived a great life and he died with honor! Before he fell he took plenty of enemies down with him. His late rites need to be done properly, the Orcish way.

We gotta pile the funeral pyre with the heads of his enemies to grant him the revenge he deserves. Their bodies are lying around nearby. Take this axe and decapitate them. But be quick about it, lest the bastards revive. Then you'd need to put them down again!

But what's this? Do I see hesitation in your eyes? You don't want to defile your fellow Imperial citizens, eh? Well, that's just how it is. There's no place for mercy when you're at war. And do you want to know about the descendant of the Legendary Orc or not? If you do, then help us!


Where are the heads? The funeral needs to start soon! Aye, the spirits of perished Orcs may still roam the field of battle.

Just put 'em down and move on!


Ah, the sight of enemy heads brings joy to my heart. I'm sure it makes Horz just as happy! Thank you for helping us give him a traditional funeral.


Experience: +2250
  • +500 reputation points with Orcs

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