Reward for Fidelity



Meet Gorislav on the Crossroads.


Now return to Gorislav. He will reward you and tell you another fascinating story!

My daddy loves telling stories!


Well, what should I tell you?

Something about Sarn? Let's keep it for the future.

Who is Nih? You'll know eventually...

I'd like to end my story of the Great Mages and the secret of their immortality with a small riddle. Here it is.

We know that there are three substances resistant to the Astral: meteorite ore, the Great Dragon remains and the Great Mages, whose immortality is ensured by the blood of the Great Dragons.

The meteorite ore is alien to our world, it has been brought here by an meteor collided with our lands ages ago, when no one lived here except the Great Dragons.

The Great Dragons don't belong to our world either. They came here from afar. Maybe that's why they can resist the Astral.

And now, the Great Mages, who drink the blood of the Great Dragons. Is there any connection? Think about it!

Are you bored? Waiting for your reward? Don't you care about the secrets of our world? Huh! A couple years ago I was just like you!


Experience: +4860

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