Viscous Wood



Defeat Wandering Hevea and return the lost axe to the Twiggy family.


When we were little, we read a book about a postman. He was cast away on a deserted allod, where he had to survive on the junk in the parcels. He was a clever dude, though - he crafted an axe from a pair of skates and made fire with mana batteries. He even pulled out a bad tooth with a rune-extracting rod... hurts me just thinking about it. Who knew we would ever find ourselves in a similar mess?
At least our teeth are fine, praise Tensess. Although we did lose our axe... What will we use to cut wood now? And not a pair of skates in sight!
But it's our own fault. We went for a branch in the dark, didn't realize it was a treant's leg! His sap was so sticky that the axe got stuck, and now the creature is walking around with our axe in its leg! We barely managed to escape with our lives, else the treant would have made leather gloves out of us!
Could you find him for us? Don't go alone, though, he's a big one, not just some old stump. Get some of your tougher friends to help, and we will make it worth your while.


What could I use to make a new axe? Knives? Too small. A ship fragment? Too long a walk. A battle axe? Where could we get one?


Thanks so much! It's a bit rusty, but that's all right - we'll clean it up.


Experience: +4340

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