Tiny Swallow



Feed a squawkling with 20 chunks of raw meat and return to Chewy Wind-Born in Rumbling Bay.


Wingless one, listen to me now. I'll give you a bone whistle. Blow the whistle, and a squawkling will come. It's small and hungry. It gonna eat like hell! A squawker is not a parrot, it doesn't eat fruits, only meat.Go hunting, outlander, to get meat and feed a squawkling. When a squawkling grows very big, it will love you like its parent. It'll carry you on its back up high in the sky! Then you will understand and trust our people, or even make friends with us!


If you feed a squawker well, it will love you and fly you high. But if you do not feed it well, it might become angry and bite you.


Kamul kutlak, wingless outlander! A squawker is like wings for yous. Now you wingless one may bang a gong on any island and summon a squawker. A squawker will easily fly to the gong, soar high and fast. You will become a true Son of the Wind!


Experience: +7500

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