Proper Prospecting Equipment: A Deadman's Eye



Participate in killing the Shadowy Prospector for the Hardened Family.


You need just one more thing before you can become a proper Prospector... It's a fairly modern device that most Prospectors can't do without nowadays, although we used to work without it, and we did a fine job too!

The Deadman's Eye is a complex device, a fusion of magic and technology, that warns of you any undead in the area. It's a must-have in an anomaly!

Over at the Meridian Outback you'll find a fallen Prospector. His greed has turned him into a shadow, forced to wander the land with no earthly possessions. We're sure his eye would make a powerful Deadman's Eye! Go find him and bring him down, then we'll have our friends carefully extract the eye for you!


We'd really prefer to work without a Deadman's Eye, back like when we were young...


Now you know what it takes to become a proper Prospector! Good luck in all your exploits!


Experience: +3960

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