The Only Way



Speak with Elizaveta Rysina at the bottom of Yasker's Tower.


So, what do we have so far?

Frankly, very little. First of all, our soldiers are still on the defensive. Secondly, while this key would be very valuable if it opened the Demonic Gates, right now it does nothing.

What's that? Perhaps it only works with those who have proven their loyalty? Some sort of attunement, eh? Hm... Well, the City Council knows a good deal about these cultists. They might not have the answer to this problem, but I'm sure they'll have some clues to a solution.

Visit Elizaveta Rysina and ask her to tell you everything she knows about the cultists. We must get into their main city!


This must be important if Yasker gave you emergency clearance to this information. Well, let me try and tell you everything we know.


Experience: +250

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