Clay Army



Destroy 20 wormfaces' golems and report to Agatha Grekhova at the Outpost upon completion.


Each day spent at the Frontier only further convinces me of the fact that Junes were a great race. Geniuses far superior to the League and the Empire!

Take their battle golems. Ruthless, fearless, ready to execute any order without their own reason getting in the way. The perfect soldiers! I wish I could re-subdue them to my will and have them defend our Outpost... But those clay dolts will only obey their masters, the wormfaces, which keeps causing us trouble!

Repelling their attacks is getting increasingly difficult. Of course, we manage to blow most of them to bits as they approach, but those who break into the camp deal enormous damage...

I've got no option but to ask you for help. Please destroy twenty golems! If you're successful, we'll get welcome respite from their endless attacks.


Goodness gracious... I couldn't dream that you'd handle war machines that were designed to kill with such ease.

This clearly shows that mind is superior to technology!



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