Knock Out Their Brains!




Get a Keeper's brain, use the transmitter to summon Sarbaz Gurguf, give him the brain and receive further instructions.
  • (The Keeper is easily killed by using a thunderstone that can be obtained on the Draconid Isle)
  • (Use the transmitter to summon Sarbaz Gurguf and report on the progress of your quest)


Interesting... Wait a minute, let me think.

If they have unstable connections, that means... What about the cause for the development of stable psionic heredity? No, no, that's not it at all!

Listen. The brains I have are no good. I can't understand what the secret is.

You'll have to continue searching and get me new materials to study. I reckon a Keeper's brain would be useful. I trust you have a thunderstone with you? Without it you won't have a chance going up against a Keeper.

When you're done, use the transmitter and hand over the research material to me.


I wonder if the Keepers have developed naturally or were bred Perhaps they hold the same status as the termite queen?


Is this a brain? It is. One unit. Looks like a normal brain.

Strange... It's not quite normal! Look, there's a strange spot here near the hypothalamus...

Wait, you mean that's dirt from your grimy hands?! Oh, astral demons take me! You don't handle valuable research materials in this fashion!


Experience: +2850

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