Gray Matter



Get a wormface's brain, use the transmitter to summon Sarbaz Gurguf, give him the brain and receive further instructions.


Wait, don't distract me. I'm thinking... Thinking... Thinking... Damn it, you distracted me!

What do you want? Just saying hi? What impudence! I was one step away from a spectacular discovery. Now I've lost my train of thought because of you!

All right, listen, now that I'm distracted, you might as well make yourself useful.

I'm researching psionic capabilities of those you call "wormfaces." Their true name is far more complicated, you wouldn't even be able to pronounce half of it.

Now, do you know that wormfaces can have tremendous influence on your mind? That's right. I want to understand where they get that power and how it is generated...

I need their brain! Fresh and intact. I sense that it conceals lots of mysteries.

What's in it for you? How about fame and respect of the entire scientific community?!

However, I need an absolutely fresh brain! While you carry it around in your backpack, all the neural connections will be lost. This is why I'm giving you the transmitter. When you get the brain, press the big red button. Then, guided by the signal, I'll be able to get to you under cover of invisibility. I hope the wormfaces won't spot me... I'd do anything for the sake of science!


Alpha chromosome, beta chromosome, genetic changes, mutation... No, that's not what I need!


Hrm. Was the patient struck on the head with a heavy object? Was the specimen extracted carefully and without injury? Listen, I know your idea of "anesthesia": smack the patient's head with a club, and there you go.


Experience: +2850

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