Roadside Bandits



Exterminate 20 draconids in the of Tuk-Miktu Ruins and report to Gammon the Tempestuous at the Outpost upon completion.


You're taking the old road through the ruins to get to the Outpost, right? Then keep your eyes open! A whole gang of draconids has settled there! They're as wicked as Cake when he gets hung over. Their teeth are this big! We barely managed to escape them.

We were using the road to deliver provisions, but now that those bastards are there we have no choice but to transport everything by water. The lake is wet and dangerous, and you feel like the boat will overturn at any moment...

So, listen, we need a favor. Beat the snot out of the draconids when you run into them. Damn goons shouldn't be lusting after our supplies. If you do it, all of our soldiers will be mighty grateful!


Hey, soldier, you don't look so good! Just out of combat, eh?


So you gave the draconids in the ruins a good beating? That's good, hehe! I'd challenge them myself, but who's gong to stay in command? No, I can't leave the post! I need to maintain discipline and cultivate productivity among my subordinates. Everything is pursuant to regulations!


Experience: +2280

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