Brains over Brawn



Make your way to the ancient portal and take a better look at the portal guard. Then return to Ekaterina Drabova to make your report.
  • Path to the ancient portal found


Well, now our camp is safe. And I've just received a message. And it concerns you. We need to learn more about these ancient gates and the army of wormfaces.

There's a bit of dry land to the east of here. On it you'll find a strange construction, and odds are those are the ancient gates in question. There's a bridge out to the island, and it's guarded by golems. But they're not the issue! The issue is the giant golem that guards the gates themselves. I've no idea what to do about that big galloot.

I know what Gannon would want to do, but you can't defeat a guard like that by brute force alone. We need to be clever. It's like the joke about the mechanic working on the astral ship engine: "You paid me one gold piece to hit the engine with a hammer, and the other fifty you paid was for knowing where to hit."

We, too, must know where to hit. Sneak your way or blast your way across the bridge and get a closer look at the guard. He must have a weak spot!


I wish those golems would crumble to dust! We've had nothing but trouble from this "June heritage"...


You say there's a golem there protected by a force field? Like a supercharged version of the shields on astral ships? Something on the level of the Aegis, or even better? The wormfaces sure can pick ‘em... Sounds like a tough bastard.

But we're no lightweights, are we? Look, the shields on astral ships shatter under fire from astral weapons, right? So why can't we destroy the golem's shield with our cannons?


Experience: +570

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