Don't Come Back Without Any Heads!



Obtain the head of Great Mage Gorluxor and take it to Nestor Golovanov on Dusky Isle.


Gorluxor is alive? That's utter hogwash! I was face to face with that ugly mug – there's no way I could have been wrong!

How do I know? Because I saw a giant poster on Kirah that said - "Wanted - Great Mage Gorluxor." I'll remember that poster until the day I die! So there couldn't have been any mistake! That is, unless he grew himself a replacement head and rose back from the dead that way!

There's only one way to get to the bottom of this. Go and get the head of this new Gorluxor guy! And when you do, bring it to Golovanov - let him deal with it!


I can't stop thinking about Gorluxor and his two heads! Our reputation could take a real hit if we don't find out what really happened!


So, Gorluxor thought that he tricked everyone, huh?! I'm sure he counted on us believing him to be dead and leaving his cultists alone while he continued merrily destroying allods, one by one. But now that we've finally put an end to his shenanigans, let's hope he stays dead this time! Thank you for this - you've done truly heroic work. I shall see to it that from here on out your name shall be recorded on the Board of Honor over at Kirah, alongside the greatest Demon Hunters to ever prowl the Astral!


Experience: +5520

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