Capture Alive!



Use the paralyzer and analyzer to collect 15 Tissue Samples from the Rocky Crawlers. Talk to the Wormfaces.


So, you've earned our respect? Good for you...

We need materials for further research. To be more precise, we need lymph extract from the Crawlers. If you bring us these samples you will earn our respect.

The task is difficult because we need these samples taken from a live Crawler, because before death, a Crawler's glands produce a lot of hormones and ferments, which may spoil experiment results.

In the Container under the Talk-back Device you will find a special device which can be used to paralyze a Crawler. When it is paralyzed you must take a sample from under its left neck plate. The analyzer will automatically store the sample in a special container, so you don't have to worry about dealing with 15 fragile bottles with solutions in as was the case with older technology. Be very careful! If you wake the Crawler you are in trouble!


Use the paralyzer, then the analyzer. Don't confuse them!


Oh, here are the tissue samples. Great. We are grateful to you. Maybe... Somewhere deep in our souls. Somewhere very very deep...

Well, take your sign. Maybe we'll need more samples. Come from time to time to check if we have any new errands.



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