Restless Deadmen



Calm down 15 Evil Deadman Destroyers in the ruins of the Granite Madness and talk to the Wormfaces via the Talk-back Device.


Do you really want to prove that your intentions are kind? Good for you...

Well, I have a little errand for you.

In the place which you newcomers call the Granite Madness, to the south of here, there are many Undead. For research, which takes up 96.9% of our time, we need silence, peace and enough materials.

Currently we are examining the ruins of the Granite Madness. We find the materials for our research by ourselves. We would have collected many more materials if not for the stinky walking bones created by a mad necromancer!

Go to the ruins and kill at least 10 restless Deadmen. Better kill fifteen!

Yes, if you kill fifteen Deadmen the walking dead won't bother us for some time.


Fifteen! Do you hear me? Fifteen zombies and not one less!


Are the zombies really dead? Well done.

Unfortunately, as your saying goes: "Nature abhors a vacuum", and soon new Deadmen will get out of their graves.

But nevertheless, you deserve this reward. You can be proud of yourself!



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