Imperial Heresy




Kill General Yuri Aksakov, steal the Imperial Manuscript, and deliver it to Gorislav Kovchegov.


Well, we can't accuse the Historians of anything. The Empire, however... Do you know what the main ideological difference between the Church of Light and the Trinity Church is? Well...? Oh, come on... The names give it away!

It's that the Imperial priests proclaimed Nezeb and Skrakan saints! Those two are equal to Tensess! Not to take away from Skrakan's many accomplishments... And sure, Nezeb was a true Great Mage, but what does either of them have to do with the Light?!

That's pure blasphemy and it goes against our entire doctrine! What's stopping them from promoting Yasker to saint status?!

Rumor has it that a new Catechism of the Trinity Church is about to go into print. I shudder to think the impieties it contains... You'll find one of the authors, General Yuri Aksakov, at the Central Imperial Camp. Kill him and steal that manuscript! I'm sure that you can complete this feat in the name of the one true Church!


Yuri Aksakov is a wicked heretic who insults the very foundation of our faith! Did you kill him? Where's the manuscript?


Let's take a look at the new Catechism of the Trinity Church... Damnation! This thing is filled with terrible heresy through and through, I can't even read it without shuddering!

Two can play this game! The Elves, our allies, have long since been proficient in efforts to enlighten the Imperial heathens - and with considerable success, I might add. Now their efforts are overseen and coordinated by the Church of Light.

Sooner or later we will convert those heretical sheep... Oh, what I meant to say was... those misguided sheep! But listen, this information is still top secret, so let's keep it between us. Remember, enemy spies are nearer than you think!


Experience: +1360

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