Removing the Distractions



Shut off the main valve of the Astral Quarter's mana pipes and report to Squall the Unyielding.


Curses! What the is going on?! The spirit has appeared but I can't hear him! Something must be interfering - but what could it be?

Of course! The Astral! The energy from the mana pipeline has ensnared the whole city and although we don't feel it, it's sucking out our lifeforce and poisoning the living. It's those damn Arisen and their science! I know that one day they will kill us all, mark my words!

I'm afraid we have no choice but to shut off the pipeline. The main thing is that the Council doesn't find out. You'll keep quiet, won't you?

You'll have to sneak around the mana pipes to the north and turn off the main valve for a short while. While you do that, I'll summon the spirit again and talk to him. We've waited for our Chosen One to appear for a long time, so don't let me down!


Don't worry about the valve - no one should find out. And if they do, I'll tell Wrokag the Northwind that you had a good reason. He's the leader of all the Orcs, you know. He reports to Yasker himself!


Everything is going perfectly! I managed to talk to the spirit, and now we can continue with our plans!


Experience: +2280
  • +250 reputation points with Orcs

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