Right Under Our Very Noses



Kill League Operatives and League Spies and report to Ilya Chernavin.


The situation is as follows - the enemy has somehow infiltrated the XAES, captured the key points, and shut down the supply of magical energy to the city. Do you even understand how important this power plant is?!

The Astral is supplied to the plant via the pipelines and then converted into magical energy. The magical energy is then pumped to the city where it gives the people light, heating, and hope for tomorrow. Without energy, people lose faith. Now you understand that the XAES is of great strategic importance.

We're going to storm it and smoke them out. But I don't want to rush things. We don't know what they want and how many of them are inside. It could be a trap... And there are too many League Operatives and Spies in the area.

You should go out and take care of them. Scout the Boiler Camp and slit some throats. Your country needs you! Go, go. Your homeland is in danger!


To assault or not to assault, that is the question!


Well, that's one less task to worry about! The trouble is that while you were away, the number of problems has increased. Let me fill you in.


Experience: +3000

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