Demonic Gates



Go to Gorluxor's Tower, access the first demonic portal, and talk to Aidenus.


Listen carefully.

We are about to start the most important mission, nearly as significant as the Great Astral Campaign. We must put an end to the demonic threat. The time has come to get rid of the Master - or should I rather call him Gorluxor, as this is his true identity!

Now that you can enter the Demons' City, we will challenge our sworn enemies. Don't be afraid, I will lead the whole operation.

We spent a lot of time studying the Portal Key. All portals on Yazes Shard were once activated using it. As we found out, the key has something to do with several other portals located in the Demons' City. But they are sealed, and it's impossible to activate them from the outside.

Before you throw yourself into the battle, we need to make sure that we will be able to control the demonic teleporting system.

Here, take this cultist attire. It will enable you to enter the Demons' city unnoticed. Find the portal and touch it. If everything goes well, I will reconfigure it using the Portal Key.


I knew that you could do it!


So, we are now inside Gorluxor's Tower and have accessed the first portal. This mission certainly has a promising start.


Experience: +275

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