The Animals of Eljune



Talk with Stoneroot to the west of the Kotelny Camp.


Many animals have recently been leaving their homes to the west for no apparent reason. But I think I know what's behind this. They can sense the demons, and they're getting out before it gets worse. I've seen this happen many times before - more than I would like.

I know their instincts are sharper than ours, and I can just see the panic and terror in their eyes. It's a shame they can't tell us anything. But there may be one way to find out what they know...

Some soldiers saw a treant in the forest who's recently migrated here from the west as well. He might be able to tell us his story and let us know what's going on. Go ask him what he knows, and the sooner the better. We need to find out what's happening.


Go your own way, move along. You're about to get stuck in my branches. Oh, do you want to talk with me? Okay... go ahead, but don't speak too fast. And I must warn you that I just came here from the west, so I can't give you directions.


Experience: +7220

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