The Face of Fear



Gather 15 Windflower Leaves in the woods outside the Kotelny Camp and bring them to Colonel Georgi Batalov.


I have my own reasons to believe that demons are near. You see, the whole camp is afflicted with nightmares.

In my dreams, I am taken captive by the League. My tormentors heat up their tongs and start torturing me, and I... I give away a war secret. Me, an old soldier with so many awards for Honorable Service and Good Conduct! I hate these nightmares. I wake up in a cold sweat, feeling like I was tortured for real.

Apparently the other soldiers have been having nightmares too. At night they refuse to go to bed, playing cards until they can't see straight or pilfering energizing pills from the healer's supply. The last time I saw something like this happen, demons appeared shortly afterwards.

But I know a way to stop this. Unfortunately, it's not easy. You must look fear in the face and overpower it. You must confront the monsters in your dreams! The healer and I decided that I should try it first, so please bring me fifteen windflower leaves. Can you gather them for me in the forest?


I'm sick and tired of these nightmares. Everyone dreams of whatever they fear the most - getting a leg cut off, their spouse cheating on them... It all looks so clear and vivid that you wake up with only one desire - to strangle yourself.


The windflower leaves, they're here! But I'm afraid I won't be the one drinking the infusion. Something's come up.


Experience: +7220

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