


Drink the Windflower Concoction at the Site of Power near the Kotelny Camp and return to Colonel Batalov.


Here's what happened. There's a Site of Power not far from the camp, and it was guarded by our very best soldiers. And then bam! One of them lost his marbles. He attacked and killed a few of his comrades, so we unfortunately had to neutralize him.

Witnesses say he went mad while he was asleep. He did his best to stay awake through the night, but he ended up dozing off at his post. I heard that Sites of Power attract demons, so they must be the ones behind this.

There's been a change of plans. Now you will drink the windflower concoction at the same place that poor boy fell asleep. I'll have some soldiers watching you from afar in case anything happens. We must find if anyone else who dozes off near the Site of Power will become cursed.


Perhaps the soldier was just exhausted from many sleepless nights. I pray to the Light that demons have not infected the Site of Power!


What? Your dream urged you to kill and started to drive you crazy? That's different from the normal ones the soldiers' have been having. This is more serious than I thought.


Experience: +7220

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