A Step into the Unknown



Enter the portal at the Frontier.


Now that you have a key you can continue on. You'll know what to do once you get close to that stone monster. The magic in the key will help you neutralize the Keeper.

the Dead City awaits... I wish I could take your place... But I have to be here. Otherwise the wormfaces and scalies would have the run of the place! Haw!

Well, it's been fun. Take care of yourself! Don't forget old Gammon! Stop by if you need anything.


Sarn's demons are offering us a pact? That's amusing.


Lies and deception can sometimes sound sweet, but don't be fooled! Sarn's adepts are suicidal maniacs. They hate this world and are constantly trying to destroy it. Don't ever forget it. Anyway... I suppose I'll accept their offer!

It's been so long since Light and Dark have worked together. This will be an interesting game, let me tell you. Hehe.


Experience: +11400

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