Saving the Elven Magister



Rescue Antoine de Vevre from the rebels.


May the Light shine upon you. My name is Nicholas de Vevre, the Elven representative at the Oreshek Stronghold and a councilor to the commander.
You are going to Oreshek to put an end to the rebellion. I've also got a personal request, a very delicate matter.
I am aware that it was thanks to your efforts that the enemy's plans have been disclosed, and the fate of my relative illuminated. If captured, he could become a terrible weapon in the hands of our enemy. We are here to prevent that and save Antoine de Vevre. Don't let my family member be a reason for war.
Pray the Light bless you and your comrades-in-arms.


Who are you? An angel of death, coming at last to relieve my suffering? Or a sadistic jailer, whose pleasure it is to torment a poor broken Elf?


Rescued? I can't believe it... Could it be that all is not yet lost?


Experience: +2625
  • +500 reputation points with Elves

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