Report on Victory



Report on the elimination of the wormface threat to the Keeper of Power at the Master's Citadel.


You've won a glorious victory today, my friend! I'm certain that the Keeper's death has had great impact on all wormfaces. And I'm even more certain that the cave inhabitants will have other things besides us to worry about in the near future.

Go to the Citadel and report to the Keeper of Power this delightful news! And take care of yourself. The wormfaces may be down, but they're not out. And after a while they'll surely be a nuisance again. So be sure to drop by later. I'll brief you on the current events, and together we'll think of more ways to frustrate our enemies.


That's really great news! While there's discord and friction among the wormfaces, they pose no threat to us.

Now we ought to shift out focus to draconids. If we deal with them, half of our problems will be solved!


Experience: +570

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