The Ancient Dolls



Find 5 Zem Dolls for Gorislav Gipitsky.


There's only one way to raise that much money, only one - and that's with Zem Dolls.

They're the rarest artifacts throughout the Plateau. I've been here longer than most and I've only ever seen one. It took the Traders several days to scrape up enough money to buy it off the Prospector, who then wrapped up his affairs in a matter of hours and took off for Novograd with plans of buying a house and settling down.

The dolls themselves are plain and kind of scary looking... Historians claim that Zem children used to play with them. The bones of those children have long since been reduced to ashes, but their dolls are now worth more than their weight in gold. If I could come by some of those dolls, I'd be able to ransom my darling daughter...

I dare not ask for your free help in the matter. I only ask that you look upon a father that's mad with grief and ready to sacrifice all he has. I don't have anything to pay you with, as all I own will go toward the ransom money. However, I do have information - conversations between Prospectors, Historians, Free Traders... I also have information on Gipat - a lost allod that holds ancient secrets! Sometimes information is worth more than money, much more... Please help me!


The pirate captain died before he could give me the ransom letter, but I'm sure that one of his people will still show up before long! Now more than ever the pirates are in need of gold. Help me! Help me get back my daughter!


Your heart is bursting with kindness and courage. It's incredible! Except... Something has happened...


Experience: +16060

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