The Predator



Find a clue related to the Predator in the Tekyan Thicket.


Your next mission may seem a bit unusual.
East of Tensess Temple is the Tekyan Thicket. According to the Historians, the name means "Predatory Thicket" in the June language.
It is also where the front line currently runs through. Now, we'll push the enemy out of the grove soon enough, but as of this moment we're being greatly hindered by the impenetrable jungle and its predators. On top of that, we've been getting reports of a monster attacking both League and Imperial soldiers with equal fury. The victims disappear without a trace and none get resurrected!
Troops have taken to calling this beast the Predator. It's probably some wild animal, maybe a tiger or a giant crocodile. Or some other creature unknown to us.
But whatever it is, you need to find it and kill it. Go search for some clues so you can track down its lair.


It appears to be a badly mangled Gibberling. The thing never had a chance against whatever attacked it. These bite marks look too big to belong to any normal jungle creature, so it must have been the work of the Predator.


Experience: +1360

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