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Set the owls free and travel to Frozen Frontier to speak with Froddy the Fidget.


Hear me out and deliver this message to the Gibberling Enclave. I have finally found our homeland. Or rather, what's left of our homeland. Now it's just a bare rock in floating out in the Astral... The Gibberlings don't have a home anymore!

Go to the archipelago... Frozen Frontier... Find Froddy, the Gibberling Elder... To get there... Go to the Cape of Good Hope, they will direct you...

You must tell the others about it or my death will be for nothing. Set the owls free, let them fly to my mothers. They will understand what has happened to me. They will understand...


What brings you here?


I'd hate to say it, but... I had a hunch. The Astral is swallowing up the world, I just wanted so much to believe that our homeland survived this chaos and is awaiting us still!

My dearest Gibberlings, what's to become of us now?! I implore you, speak not a word of this to anyone!

I don't blame you for it. Here is your reward. May it keep you warm in this cold place. I just don't know whether the Gibberlings will ever be warm again...


Experience: +480

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