The Fate of the Wagon Train




Find out what happened to the merchants' wagon train and report to Dobrinya Nikitov.

  • Wagon Train found


Since you're going to the Settlement anyway, why don't you do me a favor on your way?
A wagon train filled with goods from Novograd went by here recently. They were the typical bunch of snobs from the capital. Phew. You know, I may not be fond of them, but... there are bandits everywhere out here and the roads are far from safe. I don't even know if those merchants even made it to the settlement or if they're worm food right now.
Being killed by bandits is a terrible fate. I hate to say it, but I doubt that those merchants made it there. If that's the case, could you please inform Dobrinya Nikitov about it once you get there? Deal?


The wagon train from Novograd should have been here ages ago. I don't understand. Could Karchikov be on the loose again? Tensess help us!


The wagon train has been robbed? Oh, I wish that just once someone would bring us good news!


Experience: +840
  • +100 reputation points with Kanians

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