The Wonderloaf



Bring 10 Sugar Canes for Ivan Gubarevsky.


Just because you've married a toad doesn't not mean that the worst is behind you. I thought I'd pour some dishwater into a basin for my betrothed and let her live in a storage closet somewhere - just as long as no one knows about it.

Unfortunately, father wants to have a bridal show with his daughters-in-law. He wants each of them to bake him a sumptuous loaf of bread. Can you imagine what this bug-eyed creature would be able to bake?

No, I wouldn't dream of trusting you with such a sensitive matter. I'll work the oven myself! It would be a great help if you would bring me ten sugar canes. They like the sun, so you'll find them wherever trees don't grow. Your best bet would probably be the Kudykin Altar. And above all, hold your tongue! No one must learn of this!


My mother always added sugar cane to her bread. The guests would stuff themselves so much, they couldn't get up from the table.


Thanks so much! I'd make some extra for you, but I'm in a bit of a hurry right now.


Experience: +2100
  • +250 reputation points with Kanians

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