


Board an astral sloop and go to the Frontier.


Excellent job, Keeper of the Revelation. I knew you'd be able to crush our enemies right in their lair!

But don't let it go to your head! We've won the battle, but not the war. It turns out that our enemies have settled on an island named the Frontier.

Judging by the scouts' reports the draconids and the wormfaces were unable to overcome their thousand-year animosity after all, and have resumed their fighting once more. I'm sure you realize that this is to our advantage.

Regretfully, there aren't that many Attendants here in the Citadel who are ready to fight. This is why we've hired mercenaries: orcs, humans, elves, gibberlings and others who stay true to the Master's Word. I hope you'll be able to cooperate with them, so that together you'll crush the vile traitors.

Now go. Board an astral sloop and be on your way. May the Master's Will protect you!


Hey, we know you! Keeper of the Revelation... Gosh, we envy you so much!


When the draconids and the wormfaces quarreled with the Master, we just happened to be here. Working on building the Outpost, yeah. This place was run by the draconids. Drakes, draconids and shamans performed their rituals. They say even the draconid queen, whom they call "mother," dwells here. Though we've never seen her... Just imagine how huge she must be, eh?

But then all hell broke loose! Bang, bang, golems here, draconids there, and massacre all around. Right. Our Outpost turned out to be right on the frontline. With draconids pushing on one side and wormfaces crawling out of subterranean tunnels on the other, we found ourselves smack between a rock and a hard place!


Experience: +855

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