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Relay the information obtained from the wormface to Larisa Dymkina.


Damn it! You loyal underlings of Nihaz don't understand a thing. All the lies have poisoned your minds! And this blind faith will lead you to your graves!

Long ago our race believed Nihaz. And what became of us? Worthless, pathetic creatures living underground! Argh... The cursed sun is burning my eyes!

Sarn, the mad Sarn had cast a Curse that almost killed us all. Those who survived ran to Nihaz in fear. They prayed for salvation, pleading for protection against the Curse. He laughed and turned the surviving Junes into wormfaces. Aye, we changed and the June Curse disappeared. We kept our lives... But can this be called life?! Eternal wretched existence in the dark, eternal fear, eternal anguish and boredom...

We hate Nihaz, and our hatred is centuries old. And now is our chance to exact vengeance! On a small shard east of the Frontier there's a teleport that's been preserved by sheer luck. It can let through an entire army! We'll infiltrate the Dead City, crushing everything in our path, and capture that which will grant us redemption. Let the gods continue their wars. And we'll depart for a place where no one will disturb us. This miserable world can continue its prolonged agony. We don't give a damn!


Well, have you learned anything interesting?


That does sound interesting...


Experience: +855

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