Cold Welcome



Return to the Ambassador of the Historians Maurice de Vevre and convey to him the words of the Seventeenth.


Greetings to you, the two hundred and twenty fourth Seeker of, ahem, "Truth".

The Overmind welcomes you and so do I, the Overmind's humble worker, the Seventeenth Observer.

As I already said two hundred twenty three times before, we, the Overmind, are not inclined to believe anything that newcomers from the ground say. We are also not going to tell you anything until you prove your benevolent intentions.

You, fussy creatures from the ground, will never understand what pleasure deep and slow contemplation gives. You will never understand the beauty of the idea which slowly grows in the depths of your mind for decades.

Do you really think that those who live for a moment between birth and death can interest us in any way? Well, you can try.

If you prove that you deserve our attention we will help you in your research. But now, as you seem useless to us, we won't help you.

Convey my words to the pompous Elf who calls himself the "Historian". We are tired of his humble attempts to discover inexistent secrets of the Junes from us!


So, have the Wormfaces told you anything?


Exactly! This is exactly what I was talking about! Their behavior is absolutely indecent when someone is trying to reveal white spots in the history of Sarnaut. Damned snobs! What should we do? I think we should somehow convince these swelled heads that we are on their side...


Experience: +1925

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