Kilza the Shadowy



Kill Kilza the Shadowy and take his heart to Mikhail Selyaninov at Maddox Depot.


There's one demon that rules the other monsters that inhabit the Edge of Eternal Night. He is called Kilza the Shadowy, and judging from his dark fruits of his labor, his power is a hundred times greater. You need to face this demon, and rip his heart right out of his chest! That should slow down their activities.

What will happen to the world if Astral demons spread across all the allods? They would exterminate everyone else - the furry Gibberlings, the beautiful Elves, the intelligent Arisen, the freedom-loving Orcs...

We cannot let that happen! We must slow the demons' activities and then discover their plans. Once you kill Kilza the Shadowy, take his heart to Mikhail Selyaninov. He's an old war dog and he'll know what it means.


What happened? I've been extremely restless ever since you left.


A demon heart... This is scary news. Demons are a formidable enemy. I learned that first-hand during the Great Astral Campaign. We thought we were victorious, but it seems the celebration was premature. I must send a report to Aidenus at once. If our victory was not conclusive, we must act immediately!


Experience: +8200

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