Return From the Edge of Eternal Night



Report the scouts' message to Colonel Georgi Batalov at the Kotelny Camp.


If only we had known! A dozen purses like yours would have never budged us or our boat! Do you even know what's going on there? The shore is occupied by cultists and the Astral is teeming with demons!

And that's just what we had time to see. We were there for about two minutes before we turned our ship around and hauled ass out of there! Our official advice is to stay far, far away from that cursed coast!

We're not going back either, no way. In fact, we're pulling anchor right now and going home, never to set foot in the Holy Land again! Sacred my butt. It sure looks cursed to me!


I hope you found one single hothead in the whole port. All they gotta do is turn the corner of this allod. For the money I'm paying, it's a dream job!


I hope you found one single hothead in the whole port. All they gotta do is turn the corner of this allod. For the money I'm paying, it's a dream job!


Experience: +6800

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