Clear the Shore!



Kill 8 League Militia and return to Yasskul Minkhaf.


The Imperial ships will be here soon and they will be carrying Yasker's emissary. It is of the utmost importance that she gets here safe and sound so we can begin negotiations with Zosim. Yes I know he is missing, but I'm sure that by the time the emissary gets here our troops will manage to find him!

The biggest threat to us right now is that League battalion. They've been sending small raids against us for a while, and we've managed to hold our own. But that is not enough - we must take complete control of this coast immediately.

Most of their soldiers are coming from the League camp to the west, and their numbers need to be scaled down as soon as possible. I order you to destroy the enemy's troops! Every last one of them!


Make your report! Did you carry out my order?


Good job! But remember - this just the beginning.


Experience: +1600

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