The Fight for the Rusted Wasteland




Capture the Zem crypt in the Rusted Wasteland for the Gallant Family in the League camp.


Fierce fighting has broken out in the Rusted Wasteland. It's near an ancient Zem ruin that has spawned anomalies in the area. It's a place where magic has twisted the laws of metaphysics and now all sorts of trouble brews there... Including the Dark Artifacts.

They say that other anomalies can be found east of here, beyond the Cordon, but they're all well guarded by goblins. That's why the League must fight the Empire over control of the Rusted Wasteland.

It's time to knock the enemy out of there! There are two fortifications in the Wasteland that happen to be Zem crypts. Your mission is simple - clear the crypt of Imperial forces and establish control over it.

There's one other thing... The Church strictly forbids the collection and use of artifacts found in the ruins... But in war, anything goes. If the artifacts help you defeat the enemy - then that means they serve the Light. Just don't tell the Great Inquisitor... He might not understand.


We can't let those Imperial bastards hide in the crypts. It's too close to our camp!


The Imperial forces have been cleared out of the crypts? Glory to the League!


Experience: +1640

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