Fangs against Magic




Kill demon minions approaching the coast while Soliskar defeats Ar'Kanim.
  • Kill demon minions until Soliskar kills Ar'Kanim
    (Destroy demon minions for 4 minutes, keeping them away from Soliskar)


Listen to me carefully, mortal. Ar'Kanim is on his way here from the depth of Astral. We have no time to argue.

Soon I will engage into battle against one of the strongest beasts of our enemy. I'm stronger than him, but countless demons will fight on his side. This is where I need your help.

When Ar'Kanim start losing his strength, he will summon demon minions to help him. If any of them reaches the coast where the fight takes place, Ar'Kanim will consume its power and heal his wounds.

Mortal! Do not let demon minions approach the coast! Kill them until I defeat Ar'Kanim. Your name will remain in the history of this world.

When Ar'Kanim is dead, you will meet another creature who helps us in this battle, a Wormface. Talk to him to receive further instructions.

The time has come! Let's start the battle!


Ar'Kanim is dead... It means my time has come...


Are you surprised that we cooperate with dragons?

Believe me, even sworn enemies may unite their efforts to defeat the power hostile to them both!


Experience: +16800

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